Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, september 2008
Ungur breskur strákur, sem var međ ólćknandi arfgengan augnsjúkdóm (RP) og fékk sjónina aftur eftir ađ hafa gengist undir tímamóta augnađgerđ, ćtlar ađ ganga yfir Sahara eyđimörkina á nćsta ári.
Sjá hér ađ neđan frásögn úr Wigan Evening Post:
A teenager who got his sight back after a pioneering operation will be
trekking across the Sahara desert next year.
Steven Howarth, a student at Wigan and Leigh College, was born with an eye condition which gave him limited sight in bright lights and at night.
The condition, caused by a faulty gene called Retinitis Pigmentosa, could have led to the 18-year-old going completely blind in his 20s.
But Steven was treated through a clinical trial which dramatically improved his sight, paid for by The British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society, known as RP Fighting Blindness.
To express his gratitude, Steven is raising sponsorship for a 100km trip
across the Sahara desert in March.
He said: "It will definitely be a gruelling journey, but one which I am
hugely excited about. The idea came up at an RP meeting.
"It was suggested to all those present, including myself, and I was happy to sign up for it."
During the clinical trial Steven received an injection into the back of his
right eye with copies of a healthy gene, which has given Steven a huge
improvement in his ability to see at night time.
Steven said: "Not only has the treatment vastly improved my vision, but it has given me a boost of confidence as I now feel more independent.
"The hope for other sufferers is very encouraging as research goes on, but, of course, they rely heavily on donations."
All the information on the incredible journey can be found at
For more details on how to donate, call Steven on 01942 790078, e-mail or make a donation online by going to
Donations can also be sent in the post to 8 Fairhaven Avenue, Westhoughton, Bolton, BL5 3HE.