Úr fundargerđ ársfundar vísinda og ráđgjafarnefndar Retina International

Ţann  maí 4  var haldinn ársfundur Scientific and Medical Advisisory Board of Retina International í Fort Lauderdal í Kaliforníu. Á fundinn voru mćttir margir af fremstu augnlćknum og vísindamönnum í frćđunum í dag.

Međal ţess sem má finna í fundargerđini er umfjöllun um RetinaComplex bćtiefniđ. Í ţeirri umfjöllun segi m.a:.

„From the intermediate data collected so far, no difference could be established between paired data, except for the amplitude of the multifocal erg. The placebo group showed a statistical difference between the data collected at the beginning of the study and the end of the first 12 month period. Of importance though, the patients receiving RetinaComplex showed no statistically significant difference between the two sets of data. This confirms that there is a slower progression of disease in the treated subjects compared with those getting only placebo. Although this study was initially planned for only 1 year, the promising results obtained makes it worthwhile to continue the study for a longer period if proper funding can be obtained.  The results of the first two years of the study will be available in autumn of this year."

Í fundargerđinni er einnig fjallađ um klínískar lyfjatilraunir bandaríska fyrirtćkisins Neurotech. Í niđurlagi ţeirrar umfjöllunar segir:

„Thus, the results appear to be encouraging such that CNTF-ECT might be the first treatment generally available to both RP and dry AMD patients" 



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